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The editor is cruising along, altering "of" to "to," and "he" to "they," when she suddenly comes across a sentence that unfortunately makes no sense.Regularly, writers for whom English is not their native language get their words mixed up, especially verbs. Occasionally, that's why a sentence will make no sense.
However, at times, the challenge is more difficult than that. Typically, the editor's temptation is to assist the author to figure out what he meant.Sometimes, the context is apparent, such as a phrase of warning.
If it is not perfectly clear what the author meant, an editor will have to not edit the phrase, but question. Even if it appears clear and the editor finds the perfect verb to insert, a notice to the writer asking "Is this change okay?" is always suggested.If it is less clear, and it would be obvious to the writer that the editor is just guessing, leave it alone. Add a cautionary note to the writer purely saying, "meaning not apparent," or something equally basic.
Occasionally it goes against an editor's grain to do that.
Occasionally it goes against an editor's grain to do that. A skilled editor desires to become— and is—the authority. However, a professional editor is not a mind reader. The biggest responsibility from the editor's position is to support the author, and to not add anything that's incorrect to the author's dissertation, thesis, or manuscript.
Some editors are afraid that the writer will think the editor just isn't carrying out her task if she doesn't transform the sentence. However, most writersappreciate feeling as though they're a part of your process.
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wang04 le vendredi 18 février 2011